Light-sensitive proteins — called
photoreceptors — measures time in plants and keeps them abreast of seasons,
which is crucial for their development
Plants, much like human
beings, have a 24-hour internal ‘body-clock’ or the circadian rhythm that helps
them to measure time — the duration of night and day.
The circadian rhythm in
plants relies on photoreceptors (light-sensitive proteins) — to measure time
and keeps a track of seasons, crucial for their development.
These photoreceptors act as biochemical light switches to help plants
gauge the exact time of dusk. In the dark, the proteins kill those that were active
during daylight.
But the mechanism that
turns off the photoreceptors working in the dark and restores the protein after
sunrise, was not known yet.
Researchers from the Yale
University found that the work is done by an enzyme, found in the
photoreceptors active during the dark.
It stabilises the proteins
and helps the plants to control the stability of important circadian clock
proteins in the light and dark. It also provides plants with exact information
about the timing of dusk.
By carefully tracking dusk,
this mechanism helps the plant determine the length of the day and thus
communicates the season.
This protein stabiling
enzyme is conserved in animal species. It also communicates environmental
information that regulates circadian rhythms in animals, a rare conservation of
The information may help
engineer plants attuned to the environment and to make them better able to
respond to changes in climate.